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Research behind the writing


Behind the fun pictures, music, and stories that come with each "bucket list" item is research. Prior to forming my bucket list, I talked to friends (present students and alumni) about what they thought I should do before I graduate. I also went online to read the bucket lists that came before me. There were clear "classic" Michigan to-do's like painting the rock and attending sporting events. But I wanted to craft a combination of these traditional experiences with things someone may not have heard of on their own. That's where "adventuring," "karaoke," and "friends-giving" come in. 


After the list was set, I reserached each item before I accomplished it. Some of these items had a lot more research behind them than others. In the case of "the rock" and "Yost Ice Arena," there is rich history and tons of background information. I found that it allowed me to appreciate the experiences so much more, and I was able to share the history with my friends. This research also greatly enriched the way I told the story of that particular list item. 


The last part of research came as I started my "reflection" piece. As I checked off the items, it became so clear that the list was about much more than doing these things. The list was tied into my feelings of nostalgia for the college experience and fears of graduating, knowing I would leave Ann Arbor (and my friends) behind. There has been so much anxiety built up around this "senior year." And the feelings of nostalgia particularly struck me. I found myself frequently looking back on photos from previous years and telling old stories with friends. My research set out to understand nostalgia: what is it, what is its purpose, and where did it come from? To my surprise, there is a wealth of material out there on nostalgia and sentimentality! From psychological research to New York Times articles, I was able to better process my own feelings about my bucket list journey by reading these sources, and I found ways to share that knowledge in the "reflection" section of the site.

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